For this project a range of data was collected from many sources including the UBC Geography Department, the City of Vancouver, DMTI, Statistics Canada, and CHASS
Census Geography
2011 census tracts (CTs) (named CT_Van) (Source: DMTI)
2011 dissemination areas (DAs) (named DA_Van) (Source: DMTI)
Ancillary Spatial Data Files
City boundary (named City) (Source: DMTI, 2006)
Parks and lakes (named Parks_Lakes) (Source: Statistics Canada)
Roads (named public_streets) (Source: Vancouver Open Data Catalogue)
Census Data
2011 National Housing Survey (Source: CHASS)
Shelter costs / Number of owner households in non-farm non-reserve private dwellings / Average value of dwellings ($)
Citizenship - Both sexes / Total population in private households by citizenship; Both sexes / Canadian citizens; Both sexes / Canadian citizens aged 18 and over; Both sexes
Citizenship - Both sexes / Total population in private households by citizenship; Both sexes / Canadian citizens; Both sexes / Canadian citizens aged under 18; Both sexes
Education - Both sexes / Total population aged 25 to 64 years by highest certificate diploma or degree; Both sexes / No certificate diploma or degree; Both sexes
Work activity - Both sexes / Total labour force aged 15 years and over by work activity in 2010; Both sexes / Did not work in 2010; Both sexes
Education - Both sexes / Total population aged 15 years and over by major field of study - Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) 2011; Both sexes / No postsecondary certificate diploma or degree; Both sexes
Recent immigrants by selected place of birth - Both sexes / Total recent immigrant population in private households by selected places of birth; Both sexes
Labour force status - Both sexes / Total population aged 15 years and over by labour force status; Both sexes / In the labour force; Both sexes / Unemployed; Both sexes
Crime Data
Information on types of crime geocoded to the block level in 2010-2012 (named Van_crimes) (Vancouver Open Data Catalogue)
"The original downloaded data file listed the type of crime in a single column (‘TYPE’); however, for spatial analyses presenting the incident types in this format is inconvenient. So, three columns (Mischief, AutoTheft and BE_Resid) were added to the original layer. A value of 1 in a column (sort by Descending to see these values) indicates that that type of crime (mischief under/over $5000, theft of auto under/over $5000, or residential break and enter) occurred within that block" (UBC Geography)